Having no credit can be a frustrating experience when trying to get a credit card. Many financial institutions will require you to have a good credit score in order to be approved for a credit card. Fortunately, there are some easy credit cards to get with no credit. These cards can help you build your credit history and get you on the right track to having a good credit score.
1. Discover it Secured Card
The Discover it Secured Card is an easy to get credit card with no credit. This card is great for those who are just starting out and need to build their credit. The card requires a security deposit to open, but you can get a credit limit up to $2,500. The card also offers cash back rewards, which can help you save money.
2. Capital One Secured Mastercard
The Capital One Secured Mastercard is another easy to get credit card with no credit. This card requires a security deposit, but you can get a credit limit up to $3,000. This card doesn’t offer any rewards, but it does have no annual fee and a low APR.
3. Wells Fargo Secured Visa Card
The Wells Fargo Secured Visa Card is an easy to get credit card with no credit. This card requires a security deposit, but you can get a credit limit up to $10,000. The card offers cash back rewards on everyday purchases, and it also has no annual fee.
4. OpenSky Secured Credit Card
OpenSky offers some of the most competitive rates on their credit cards. They have a variety of credit cards available, from low-interest cards with no annual fees to cards with rewards and cash back. Their rates are generally lower than other credit card companies, so you can save money on interest. With OpenSky, you can find a card that fits your lifestyle and budget.
5. Credit One Bank Platinum Visa
The Credit One Bank Platinum Visa is an easy to get credit card with no credit. This card requires a security deposit, but you can get a credit limit up to $1,000. The card offers cash back rewards on everyday purchases, and it also has no annual fee.
6. Indigo Platinum Mastercard
The Indigo Platinum Mastercard is an easy to get credit card with no credit. This card requires a security deposit, but you can get a credit limit up to $2,000. The card offers cash back rewards on everyday purchases, and it also has no annual fee.
7. Milestone Gold Mastercard
The Milestone Gold Mastercard is a great card for those looking to build their credit or take advantage of a low-interest rate. The card provides a fixed APR of 14.90% on purchases and balance transfers, with no annual fee. For those with excellent credit, the Milestone Gold Mastercard also offers an introductory APR of 0% for 6 months on balance transfers and purchases.
8. Total Visa Unsecured Credit Card
The Total Visa Unsecured Credit Card is an easy to get credit card with no credit. This card does not require a security deposit, and you can get a credit limit up to $3,000. The card offers cash back rewards on everyday purchases, and it also has no annual fee.
9. First Progress Platinum Elite Mastercard
The First Progress Platinum Elite Mastercard is an easy to get credit card with no credit. This card requires a security deposit, but you can get a credit limit up to $2,000. The card offers cash back rewards on everyday purchases, and it also has no annual fee.
10. Merrick Bank Double Your Line Visa
The Merrick Bank Double Your Line Visa is an easy to get credit card with no credit. This card requires a security deposit, but you can get a credit limit up to $3,000. The card offers cash back rewards on everyday purchases, and it also has no annual fee.
Final Thoughts
Getting a credit card with no credit can be challenging, but there are some easy credit cards to get with no credit. These cards can help you build your credit history and get you on the right track to having a good credit score. Be sure to do your research and find the best card for you.